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Infosonics Corp股票

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单位:美元 至2017-12-31: 至2016-12-31: 至2015-12-31: 至2014-12-31: 营业总收入 2,338.60万 3,914.00万

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cool holdings inc的新闻 InfoSonics 推出旗下第一款安卓智慧手機——s700. 2012年3月8日 /美通社-PR Newswire/ -- InfoSonics Corporation今天宣布 He also served on the board at InfoSonics Corp. and Santa Maria Petroleum, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from Brock University. Mauricio Diaz: Mr. Mauricio Diaz is a Chief Executive Officer at Cooltech Holding Corp. and a Chief Executive Officer & Director at Cool Holdings, Inc. InfoSonics Corporation manufactures and sells wireless handsets, tablets, and related products to the carriers, distributors, and retailers in Latin America. The company sells its products under the verykool brand. It operates OneClick store located in the El Solar Shopping district in Buenos Aires, Argentina. INFOSONICS CORPORATION : Financial news and information Stock INFOSONICS CORPORATION | Nasdaq: | Nasdaq

InfoSonics Corporation, incorporated on July 24, 2003, is a provider of wireless handsets (phones, cell phones, mobile phones, feature phones and smartphones), tablets and accessories to carriers and distributors in Latin America and the United States. The Company defines, sources and sells a line of products under the verykool brand.

IFON NASDAQ:IFON InfoSonics Corp. 添加自选 在 新浪财经免费提供股票、基金、债券、外汇等行情数据以及其他资料均来自相关合作方,仅作为用户获取信息之目的,并不构成投资建议。 单位:美元 至2017-12-31: 至2016-12-31: 至2015-12-31: 至2014-12-31: 营业总收入 2,338.60万 3,914.00万 (ifon)股票公司摘要,信息或数据由新浪财经美股频道提供 单位:美元 至2018-03-31: 至2017-12-31: 至2017-09-30: 至2017-06-30: 至2017-03-31: 流动资产 1,796.50万 单位:美元 至2017-12-31: 至2016-12-31: 至2015-12-31: 至2014-12-31: 流动资产 1,197.90万 1,551.00万 单位:美元 至2018-03-31: 至2017-12-31: 至2017-09-30: 至2017-06-30: 至2017-03-31: 营业总收入 532.40万 586.00万 He also served on the board at InfoSonics Corp. and Santa Maria Petroleum, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from Brock University. Mauricio Diaz: Mr. Mauricio Diaz is a Chief Executive Officer at Cooltech Holding Corp. and a Chief Executive Officer & Director at Cool Holdings, Inc.

美股上市股票InfoSonics Corp,在NASDAQ交易所挂牌上市,中文名称InfoSonics Corp,股票代码。

美国股市上涨;截至收盘道琼斯工业平均指数上涨0.45% 凯乐科技公开发行2016年公司债券2017年跟踪信用评级报告 (下载公告) 公告日期:2017-06-17 Cool Holdings, Inc.(NASDAQ:AWSM)创立于1994年,前称InfoSonics Corporation,于2018年6月改为现用名,总部位于美国佛罗里达州Miami,全职雇员35人,是一家消费电子产品和配件生产和零售厂商,为拉丁美洲的运营商,分销商和零售商生产和销售无线手持设备,平板电脑和相关产品。 股票/基金 资讯 股吧 --全部-- 沪深 基金 港股 美股 Ethertronics Inc. Tops Deloitte''s San Diego Technology Fast 50 Ranking of Fastest Growing Companies, With 6,603.2 Percent Revenue Growth Over Five 股票 医疗 文档分类 01/06/2009 InfoSonics Corp Bid Price NGM IFON Affected Issue(s): 07/10/2008 Inhibitex, Inc. Bid Price NCM INHX Affected Issue(s): 01/10/2008 Innovative Card Technologies, Inc. Bid Price NCM INVC Affected Issue(s): 09/25/2008 Innovative Card Technologies, Inc. Mkt Value/Equity/Net Income NCM INVC Affected Issue(s 达泰莱公司(或:戴特雷公司)Dataram Corporation(NASDAQ:DRAM)创立于1967年,总部位于美国新泽西州普林斯顿,全职雇员42人,是一家从事企业服务器和工作站存储产品研发、制造和销售的公司。